November 12 Council Summary

November 21, 2024

Summary of November 12, 2024 Council Meeting
Hillary researched the possibility of receiving donations through Venmo. They charge a fee of $10.00 per

payment for organizations, so will not work for the church. She learned that Zelle can be used for a non-
profit, with no transaction charge. This would be the way for us to go.

Rev. Sara was pleased with the collaborative effort on the Steeple Project news article in the Reporter.
The article entitled “Shared Brandon Landmark Anticipates Necessary Repairs” was printed in the
October 23rd issue. It marks progress in our fundraising efforts for these repairs.
Rev. Sara is planning another Book Study based on the Bible Study “Fruit of The Spirit”. The study will be
Mondays 3 -4 p.m. starting November 25th through December 16th.
Barbara White reported that the Deacons met, reviewed the Service of Remembrance and planned
decorating for Advent. Advent begins December 1st. Deacons will fill stockings for our homebound on
December 10 and hand deliver them. Christmas flower orders are due December 1st. Order forms are
available in church vestibule.
The BCC website is up and running; Rev Sara has listed the link on the front of worship bulletins, Barbara received a nice note from a member who complimented her and
Kristen for their work on the site. It is welcoming, friendly and easy to navigate. Barbara is open to
suggestions of items to add to it. Mary Lou suggested adding the Lending Library of books available at
the back of the Church.
Steeple Repair Committee—Jeff Stewart and Larry Rowe will co-chair this ad hoc Fund Committee. Jeff
announced last Sunday they are asking for volunteers. Ben Doyle, head of Preservation Trust of VT, has
helped Jeff learn of other opportunities for grants.
Nominating Committee has filled all but one position to make the slate for 2025. Rev Sara is to make this
contact. The final report will be one of those to be approved at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Discussed By-Laws Committee’s proposed changes, and a question regarding “ The membership of all the
regular committees shall customarily be limited to Active Members of the church or members by
privilege of fellowship”. Phyllis will follow up with By-Laws Committee.
Hillary reviewed the draft proposed 2025 budget from Trustees. There are a few more pieces of
information needed for Trustees to finalize, then email to Council for final approval.
Persons currently serving on committees will be notified that no changes will be made for 2025
Committees membership unless folks let Phyllis or Rev Sara know they want to change for next year.
Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, January 26, 2025, with reports due Thursday January 9, 2025
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Torrey
Council Secretary