November 12 Council Summary

Summary of November 12, 2024 Council MeetingHillary researched the possibility of receiving donations through Venmo. They charge a fee of $10.00 per payment for organizations, so will not work for the church. She learned that Zelle can be used for a non-profit, with...

Deacons News (Nov 2024-Dec 2024)

Brandon Congregational Church has a lending library which is located along the back wall of the sanctuary. A variety of books are available for the taking. Perhaps you have a book or two that you’d like to donate! Check it out! The Food Shelf donation boxes are...

Council Minutes 10/8/24

Reverend Sara has visited several folks in the hospital recently and done follow-up pastoral care. Led discussion with Deacons of ways to improve the Service of Remembrance. Rev Sara and Larry Rowe edited the letter regarding the history of Church Steeple and its...