Frequently Asked Questions

What is worship like?
  1. Our services are considered to be “traditional”.  The order of the service is printed in a bulletin which is given to you when you enter the church. The music sung by the congregation is from a hymnal and these are available in every pew.  There are prayers listed in the bulletin for all to read aloud and prayers given only by the Pastor.  There are old and new testament scripture readings read aloud by either the Pastor or designated person. The Pastor gives a sermon/reflection about the scripture readings.  Holy Communion is observed on the first Sunday of every month. Worship is usually one hour in length. A coffee and snack fellowship time follows the worship service and is held in the smaller building adjacent to the church. This Fellowship Hall is handicap accessible.
I have children. How does worship work for us?

Children are welcome! There currently is no Sunday School or childcare available. Books to read and activity books (coloring books, word puzzles, etc.) are available and can be found on the bench as you enter the church building.

How should we dress for worship?

Most people wear casual clothing which is dictated by Vermont weather. There is no dress code.

During Communion what should I do?

Communion is the 1st Sunday of the month and is open to everyone. The congregation stays seated as the communion servers meet the Pastor at the altar. The bread is served first, pew by pew. Take a piece of bread and hold it until the servers return to the altar and the Pastor indicates that everyone is to take the bread. The juice is served next in the same manner; the congregation drinks the juice when the servers return to the altar and the Pastor indicates that all are to drink the juice. Cup holders for the empty cups are on the backside of every pew.

Do we need to give an offering? How does that work?

Many regular church members pledge and give weekly, monthly, or yearly. Guests are welcome to give but it is not a requirement for participation in the worship service. Two ushers walk first down the center aisle and at each pew the offering plate is given to those seated in that row. The ushers then go down the outside aisles. Depending on the number of people, you may need to pass the offering plate to those next to you.

How do people follow along with worship? Will I be able to keep up?

A printed order of the worship service (a bulletin) will be handed to you when you enter the church. There is a large print bulletin for those who find a larger format more comfortable. The bulletin gives information about when to stand and be seated, and gives the page numbers for the hymns and scripture readings. Hymnals and Bibles are in every pew. Prayers and responses to be read aloud in unison are printed in the bulletin in bold print. For those needing hearing assistance, hearing assist headphones are in the vestibule (area you first walk into) by the coat rack. A greeter will help with locating and using such a device.

Where should I park? How do I get to the worship area?

Parking is available in front of the church on the street or in the neighboring store parking lots (Walgreens and Hannafords). There is a paved walkway to the front doors of the church building. The worship area is on one level.  The smaller building adjacent to the church is the Fellowship Hall and also has a paved walkway. Restrooms are fully accessible in the Fellowship Hall. The restrooms in the church are on the lower level and there is no elevator.

I'm nervous in new social situations. Will I have to talk to people?

You will be welcomed by greeters but you can sit where you like and converse with others at your comfort level.

I have a disability. Can I still participate in worship?

We are handicapped accessible. There is a paved, one level walkway up to the church building. There are no steps to negotiate to enter the building. Once inside, the worship is all on one level.  Large print bulletins (order for the worship service) are available from a greeter. Hearing assist earphones are also available in the vestibule (the area right inside the front doors before entering the sanctuary). A greeter will show you the location of these devices and help you with the operation of it. Once the service begins, you may stay seated for the entire service. The bulletin uses an asterisk (*) to indicate when you are invited to stand if able to comfortably do so.  

(The restrooms in the church are on the lower level and there is no elevator. The restroom in the Fellowship Hall is fully accessible.)

People like me aren't welcome at every church. What about yours?

Our congregation is an inclusive, diverse, Christ-centered community of faith. We seek to provide fellowship with all who come for worship as we are called to walk humbly with God in fairness, kindness, love, peace and joy.